Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Birthday Week

16 and Loving It

Second update for April because I like staying even... I have to have at least two posts in each month. It just looks nicer, ya know?

Anyways, this past week was fun. My birthday was on Thursday! What did I do? Partied it up, of course, with my lovely host family. I went to school in the morning where I was (thankfully) not greeted by eggs smashed onto my head; Apparently, it's some sort of tradition here for birthdays. Don't ask why, I don't know. Ticos are just weird like that. Anyways, while at school people said happy birthday (feliz cumpleanos for those people that want to know a bit of spanish) and a group of boys actually sang happy birthday to me which was sweet. Unexpected and a bit embarrassing  but sweet. So, school was normal with a little bit of fiesta mixed into the work. That night, my host family had a BBQ and we ate all together, telling stories and laughing it up. My host grandma made a joke about me being fat which was probably the highlight of my night... Loving the humor over here, it does great things to your self-esteem ;) Obviously, my grandma was kidding as she went on to say that I had to have a bigger piece of the chocolate cake because I'm so "delgado" (skinny, small). I would love to see what she would say about some of the skin and bone girls in Arizona. Food is a big thing here and it's known to be weird or rude if you don't eat a satisfactory amount, or you leave food on your plate. I've been working out here so I think I've kept the pounds off. I'm too scared to check though...
Back to the party... I danced and ate and had fun with my cousins and family. It was great fun demonstrating my amazing salsa skills. JK.. So embarrassing but still fun.
The weekend came next where I spent the whole time seeing different beaches. On one, there were two weddings going on. So beautiful. If I get married someday, I now know I would like it in Costa Rica on the beach. Therefore, I'll have all my Costa Rican family and friends there and all my friends around the world because who wouldn't love to take a trip to this beautiful country. I've now seen around 15 beaches in Guanacaste and this weekend I'm going to Jaco in the province of Puntarenas with my friend from California who is with AFS also.
Just a short update!

Thanks for reading! 

^Water ...... ^.^

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