Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Exams & Fortuna!

school is chill// costa rican wildlife//

Short update!

This trip is going by so unbelievably fast. I'm now nearing the two month mark on April 10th. I've found that the more I stay here, the more I regret not doing a year. I miss my family a lot but the people here are great and the whole air of the place is so relaxed. I am not looking forward to returning to the life of practices, schedules, due-dates, plans, and keeping up with the status quo. Honestly, in Costa Rica, there are no worries. Hakuna Matata 

Okay, so I just got done with my Exams for school and they were (obviously) difficult for me because they were all in Spanish (except for the English exam which, personally, I think I aced). It was a hectic week of trying to study and failing miserably in the end. Taking Chemistry is hard enough in English... And Psychology, I had to make up stuff to answer the questions that I didn't understand. But I tried, and that's what counts, right?
Funny story (inapropro) .. I've found that it's hard to understand what music people like here because the accent makes it difficult to say the name of a band or singer. For instance, when my friend asked me if I liked Linkin Park, I though he said l&$-@?#ng c@*k. Talk about awkward... I was completely confused and ended up walking away not realizing that I misunderstood until later...

Anyways, last weekend I got to meet more of my host family.. Xinia's brother, his wife, and their two kids. We went up to Fortuna (a two and a half hour trip) and went to a Snake Zoo near Arenal Lake. It was great to see all the different kinds of animals that inhabit Costa Rica. We also went to a farm close to the Arenal Volcano. We got a tour and frankly, I didn't understand why. We pretty much just walked around the farm and it smelt rank... We even went into the room where they kept the cow dung. Yeah... I didn't see the significance. But I did find it interesting when they explained how they made recycled soap of some sort.
On Sunday, we went fishing. Keep in mind I've never gone fishing, so whenever I got one on the hook, I sorta freaked out and just yanked at the chord. Safe to say, I lost a lot of fish...

I have the next week free from school. It's a vacation week for everyone called Santa Semana (Saint Week). These past two days, I've spent all my time at the beaches that are near me. My family and I plan to go to the family beach house for three days this weekend. Everybody in my host family will be coming.

Spanish: It's definitely improved! However I still struggle immensely with understanding the conversations between my family members; they speak so fast. I can now manage a conversation easily and can talk with my host mum about anything.

Nothing much else to say.. Will update next Monday on info about my Santa Semana!

More photos are on my Facebook!

Thanks for reading

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